Current Config files
The below page explains how to use this feature on PlayerServers 3. This is only relevant if you're a beta tester. To view this page for PlayerServers 2, click here.
Below you can see the contents of the newest BungeeCord PlayerServers configuration file.
Please note that in some extremely rare cases I may forget to update the config on this page. For the most up to date config.yml and messages.yml, click here.
# __________.__ _________
# \______ \ | _____ ___.__. ___________/ _____/ ______________ __ ___________ ______
# | ___/ | \__ \< | |/ __ \_ __ \_____ \_/ __ \_ __ \ \/ // __ \_ __ \/ ___/
# | | | |__/ __ \\___ \ ___/| | \/ \ ___/| | \/\ /\ ___/| | \/\___ \
# |____| |____(____ / ____|\___ >__| /_______ /\___ >__| \_/ \___ >__| /____ >
# \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
# An advanced plugin which allows your players to create their own sub-servers, created by
# Please enter your MySQL information below.
# Url of the MySQL server, in format: jdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<database>
# Any additional options can be added at the end of url, such as:
# ?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8
url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/playerservers?useSSL=false&serverTimezone=UTC"
username: root
password: root
# Developer options, do not change unless you know what you are doing.
driver: "com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver"
update-policy: "update"
debug: false
get-from-file: false
# Should we automatically update the server core to the latest version
# for all sub-servers upon server restart?
auto-update-server-core: true
# Where should players be moved after they /stop or /ps kill their server?
- Hub1
- Hub2
# Use player-name instead of server UUID? Basically, when turned on, server-names
# will be equal to player username instead of (for example) aa386b6h
use-usernames: true
# Should we use domain name instead of IP address for servers?
# Should we enable custom subdomain formatting?
enabled: false
# What is the API key that we should use?
# To create an API token, from the Cloudflare dashboard,
# go to My Profile > API Tokens and select Create Token.
# When creating the token, select the following permissions:
# - Zone > DNS > Edit
api-key: ""
# What is the IP address that we should use?
# If you want to use auto-detection, set this to "auto"
# If you want to use a specific IP address, set this to the IP address
network-ip: "auto"
# What is the zone ID that we should use?
zone-id: ""
# What is the domain name that we should use?
domain: ""
# What is the subdomain format?
# %id% equals to player name or uuid depending on use-usernames option
# %uuid% is a random UUID (independent of use-usernames option)
# %uuid_short% is a random UUID without dashes (independent of use-usernames option)
# %player% is the player name (independent of use-usernames option)
# %playeruuid% is the player UUID
# %playeruuid_short% is the player UUID without dashes
# %timestamp% is a timestamp in milliseconds
# %timestampshort% is a timestamp in seconds
# %day% is a day of the month
# %month% is a month of the year
# %year% is a year
# To find out what a UUID looks like, you can use this website:
sub-domain: "%player%"
# Should we enable custom server name formatting?
enabled: false
# Which format should we use?
# %id% equals to player name or uuid depending on use-usernames option
# %uuid% is a random UUID (independent of use-usernames option)
# %uuid_short% is a random UUID without dashes (independent of use-usernames option)
# %player% is the player name (independent of use-usernames option)
# %playeruuid% is the player UUID
# %playeruuid_short% is the player UUID without dashes
# %timestamp% is a timestamp in milliseconds
# %timestampshort% is a timestamp in seconds
# %day% is a day of the month
# %month% is a month of the year
# %year% is a year
# To find out what a UUID looks like, you can use this website:
format: "PS_%id%"
# What is the max amount of servers that can be running at once?
max-running-instances: 15
# If there are no online players, and the last join was before
# more than minutes-to-shutdown, the server will automatically shutdown
# to allow more space for active ones.
minutes-to-shutdown: 15
# After how many seconds after executing cp -r <templatefile> <yourserverfolder>
# should we launch the server? Increase this if you get could not connect message.
copy-delay: 3
# Should we use permissions for ram management? If set to true, you MUST give
# your players permission playerserver.ram.<amount> (ex: playerserver.ram.512)
# or, else, the command will be blocked, and player will not be able to create
# the server. If set to false, everyone will have ram-per-server amount of RAM.
use-permissions: false
# How much RAM (in MB) should we allocate to each PlayerServer?
ram-per-server: 512
# Should we use permissions for cpu management? If set to true, you MUST give
# your players permission playerserver.cpu.<amount> (ex: playerserver.cpu.1)
# or, else, the command will be blocked, and player will not be able to create
# the server. If set to false, everyone will have cpu-per-server amount of CPU.
use-permissions: false
# How much CPU (in %) should we allocate to each PlayerServer?
cpu-per-server: 50
# Should we use permissions for disk management? If set to true, you MUST give
# your players permission playerserver.disk.<amount> (ex: playerserver.disk.256)
# or, else, the command will be blocked, and player will not be able to create
# the server. If set to false, everyone will have disk-per-server amount of disk.
use-permissions: false
# How much disk (in MB) should we allocate to each PlayerServer?
disk-per-server: 1024
# Should we use permissions for max-players management? If set to true, your
# players should have playerserver.players.<amount>. The max amount of players
# that you could give to a single server is 100000. You can also give them
# playerserver.players.unlimited - for unlimited players. If the player
# has no permission, he'll be able to have unlimited players.
# NOTE: If you use permissions, and you change player's permissions,
# their server will need to reboot in order for changes to take place.
use-permissions: false
# What is the max players each server should have?
max-players-per-server: 20
# Should we use permissions for max-plugins management? If set to true, your
# players should have playerserver.plugins.<amount>. The max amount of plugins
# that you could give to a single server is 20000. You can also give them
# playerserver.plugins.unlimited - for unlimited plugins. If the player
# has no permission, he'll be able to have unlimited players.
# NOTE: If you use permissions, and you change player's permissions,
# their server will need to reboot in order for changes to take place.
use-permissions: false
# What is the max players each server should have?
max-plugins-per-server: 20
# Should we enable smart /ps command? You can find more info about it here:
smart-command: false
# Should we enable permissions for server creation, deletion & more?
# If set to false, all the players will have access to those basic commands.
# Obviously, admin commands require permission no matter what.
enable-permissions: true
# Should we disable OOM killer? If set to true, the server will not be
# killed if it runs out of memory, but will instead slowly crash.
# Enable this if your server is crashing due to OOM killer.
disable-oom-killer: false
# Templates will not work on Pterodactyl.
# This is just an example of what you can do with requires-permission.
# Default template will never require permission, even if set to true.
requires-permission: false
# The plugin is built around itzg/minecraft-server as a base image.
# You can use any image you want, but we do not provide support for it.
# Use variables below to customize the way your server will be created.
docker-image: "itzg/minecraft-server"
# The type of the server jar. Can be "SPIGOT", "PAPER", "PUFFERFISH",
# "PURPUR", "MAGMA", "FORGE", "FABRIC" and much more.
# For a full list of supported server jars, check out this link:
type: "PAPER"
# The version of the template. Paper jar will be downloaded automatically
# Please avoid using non-standard versions such as 1.7.5 or 1.10 or 1.17.1
# If you use LATEST, server will always automatically update to the latest
# version of Minecraft available, as soon as server is restarted.
# If you use SNAPSHOT, server will always automatically update to the latest
# snapshot version of Minecraft available, as soon as server is restarted.
# SNAPSHOT may not work on all types of servers.
version: "1.8.8"
# These variables are always sent if you use the default docker image
# (itzg/minecraft-server) and can not be changed.
# EULA=true
# TYPE=%typeFromAbove%
# VERSION=%versionFromAbove%
# SERVER_PORT=%serverPort%
# Below you can add more variables for this image or in case you use a custom one.
USE_NATIVE_TRANSPORT: "false" # Required for older versions of Minecraft
# Which folders or files will not show in /config file manager?
- "ExampleFolder"
- "Plugin.jar"
# Should we enable Pterodactyl deployment? If set to true, you don't need
# to configure PlayerServers Daemon. All deployments will be done by Pterodactyl.
enabled: false
# Url of your panel. Example:
# Make sure not to have / at the end!!
url: "http://localhost:8080"
# Application token can be created under "Admin" -> "Application API."
# Make sure to give it read/write access:
# - Servers
# - Allocations
# - Users
# For everything else except "server databases", give it read-only access.
application-token: "token"
# Client token can be generated under "Account" -> "API Credentials."
# Url:
# This token must be generated by an admin account.
client-token: "token"
# Important variables to configure. Make sure to enter valid nest and egg id from
# which the servers will be deploy.
# Location id is the ID of location used for load-balanced deployments.
# Nodes under the selected location will be slowly filled up with servers.
# MountID is the id of your plugins mount. If you don't have one, set it to -1.
nest-id: 0
egg-id: 0
location-id: 0
mount-id: -1
# Should we print the docker container installation output to the user?
# Could be useful for debugging, and nonetheless, it can be cool for the player :)
install-output: true
SERVER_JARFILE: "server.jar"
Current messages.toml
playerservers-default-cmd="&9PlayerServers> &7An advanced Server Management plugin which allows players to create and manage their own subserver."
license-msg="&9Licence> &7%license%"
no-server="&9Error> &7You don't own a server. Don't worry, you can create one by executing &a/ps create"
not-enough-arguments="&9Error> &7Not enough arguments. Please use &a/ps help &7for more information."
not-enough-arguments-kill="&9PlayerServers> &7Oops, not enough arguments: /playerserver kill stop <uuid (example: 1F4a2id)>"
not-enough-arguments-delete="&9PlayerServers> &7Not enough arguments. &a/playerservers admin delete <uuid>. Please keep in mind that you should not enter the full id. You should just enter the first part (example: if full UUID is 1234-5678-1223-5623, you should just enter 1234)."
no-permission="&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like you don't have permission to do that."
launching-server="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server is starting up. Please wait..."
server-online="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server is now online. You will be connected shortly. Your friends can use &a/server %uuid%&7 to connect."
server-offline="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server is offline. You can start it by executing &a/ps start&7."
already-have="&9PlayerServers> &7You already have a server!"
too-many-online="&9PlayerServers> &7You have too many servers online. Please wait until one of your servers is offline."
template-no-permission="&9PlayerServers> &7You don't have permission to use this template."
starting-creation="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server is being created. Please wait..."
teleporting-soon="&9PlayerServers> &7You will be teleported to your server in a few seconds."
sending-to-remote-server="&9PlayerServers> &7Sending you to your server..."
message="&9PlayerServers> &7%message%"
warning="&c&lAre you sure you want to do that? If you do, please repeat this command in the next 5 seconds."
successfully-renamed="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server has been successfully renamed."
too-long="&9Error> &7Your server name is too long. Please choose a shorter name."
invalid-characters="&9Error> &7Your server name contains invalid characters. Please choose a valid name."
rename-failed="&9Error> &7Renaming your server failed. Please try again later."
not-online="&9Error> &7Your server is not online."
successfully-killed="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server has been successfully killed."
connected="&9PlayerServers> &7You are being connected to your server..."
killing="&9PlayerServers> &7Killing your server..."
successfully-removed="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server has been successfully removed."
removing="&9PlayerServers> &7Deleting your server..."
remove-warning="&9PlayerServers> &7Are you sure you want to remove your server? If you do, please repeat this command in the next 5 seconds."
account-created-successfully="&9PlayerServers> &7Your account has been created successfully."
account-creation-failed="&9Error> &7Account creation failed. Please try again later. Error: %error%"
server-created-successfully="&9PlayerServers> &7Your server has been created successfully on Pterodactyl panel. Please login at &6%link% &7 with username &6%username% &7 and password &6%password% &7 to manage your server."
server-creation-failed="&9Error> &7Server creation failed. Please try again later. Error: %error%"
no-port-available="&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like there are no ports available. Please try again later."
no-node-available="&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like there are no nodes available. Please try again later."
action-error="&9Error> &7Oops, it seems like there was an error while performing this action. Please try again later. Error: %error%"
node-created-successfully="&9PlayerServers> &7Node has been created successfully."
server-not-found="&9Error> &7Oops, we couldn't find that server."
not-enough-arguments-start="&9Error> &7You didn't provide enough arguments. Please use &a/ps admin start <uuid>&7."
sending-info-to-remote-server="&9PlayerServers> &7Sending information to the remote node..."
node-not-found="&9Error> &7Oops, we couldn't find that node."
node-removed-successfully="&9PlayerServers> &7Node has been removed successfully."
Last updated
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